Category Archives: FACTS

Richest Men in Africa

richest men in Africa, according to Forbes African Explore. South Africans, Egyptians, and Nigerians dominate the list.

The Richest Men in Africa:

Also Read : Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest in 2022

-Strive Masiyiwa-Zimbabwe:

Masiyiwa is a Zimbabwe billionaire, philanthropist, and businessman who is based in London. Strive is the founder and executive chairman of the international technology group Econet Global. Masiyiwa has a family foundation that has provided scholarships to more than 250 000 young Africans.

Richest Man in Africa - Zimbabwe Billionaire Masiyiwa.
Zimbabwe Billionaire Masiyiwa.

Strive Masiyiwa has a net worth of $2.8 billion (about Sh300 billion).

-Patrice Motsepe-South African

Patrice is a South African billionaire. Above all, he is the founder and executive chairman of African Rainbow Minerals, which extracts gold, base metals, ferrous metals, and platinum. Motsepe was the first black African to make the Forbes list of billionaires in 2008.

Richest Men South African billionaire Patrice Motsepe.
South African billionaire Patrice Motsepe.

Motsepe has a net worth of $3.1 billion (about Sh330 billion).

Richest Men in Africa-Naguib Sawiris-Egypt

Naguib is an Egyptian businessman. He was ranked as the 8th richest person in Africa as of 2021 by Forbes Magazine. Sawiris is the chairman of Weather Investments’ parent business, Orascom Telecom Holdings, as well as the former chairman and CEO of Orascom Telecom Holdings.

 Richest Men in Africa-Egyptian Businessman Naguib Sawiris.
Egyptian Businessman Naguib Sawiris.

Naguib Net is worth $3.4 billion (about Sh360 billion)

Richest Men in Africa-Issad Rebrab and family

Rebrab is a billionaire Algerian businessman and, in addition, the CEO of the Cevital industrial group, Algeria’s largest private corporation with interests in steel, food, agribusiness, and electronics. Cevital has one of the world’s largest sugar refineries, capable of producing 2 million tons of sugar each year. He was released in 2020 after being jailed for corruption charges.

Issad Rebrab and family
billionaire Rebrab.

Issad Rebrab and family Net worth $ 5.1 billion.

-Mike Adenuga

Adenuga is 68 years old and is the second Nigerian billionaire. His wealth comes from telecom and oil production. He owns a mobile phone network, Globacom, which is the third largest operator in Nigeria, with 55 million subscribers. Conoil Producing, his oil exploration firm, operates six oil blocks in the Niger Delta.

mike Adenuga
Billionaire Adenuga.

Mike Adenuga’s net worth is $6.3 billion.

-Nassef Sawiris

Nassef Sawiris is an Egyptian investor and the heir of Egypt’s richest family. His most significant asset is a nearly 6% share in Adidas. He is the CEO of OCI, a global nitrogen fertilizer company with factories in Texas and Iowa that trades on the Euronext Amsterdam Exchange.

Egyptian Investor Nassef Sawiris.
Egyptian Investor Nassef Sawiris.

He is the CEO of Orascom Construction, an engineering and construction company that trades on the Cairo market and Nasdaq Dubai.

Nassef Sawiris’ net worth is $8.5 billion.

-Nicky Oppenheimer and Family

Nicky Oppenheimer is a South African billionaire, born to Bridget (née McCall) and Harry Oppenheimer, and the grandson of Ernest Oppenheimer, the founder of Anglo American (the first generation to chair De Beers, from 1929). Oppenheimer founded Fireblade Aviation in Johannesburg in 2014, which conducts chartered flights.

South African billionaire Nicky Oppenheimer.
South African billionaire Nicky.

The Oppenheimer family dominated the world’s diamond trade for 85 years, until 2012.

Nicky Oppenheimer net worth is $ 8.7 billion.

Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In For 2022

Cryptocurrencies are becoming popular and many are looking at which coin will be top of the table in 2022. This article has tried to streamline some of the most positive and promising coins. However, it is impossible to predict which cryptocurrency will be the top gainer. These four coins should stand out from the rest and present a very interesting investment opportunity for 2022.

Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Gained close to 2,000% in 2021. That’s enough to turn a $1,000 investment into nearly $20,000. In 2018 bitcoin lost more than half of its value.

Also Read: Jewish Wealth, Judaism, Banks, And Investment Strategies

Cryptocurrency Coins
Cryptocurrencies Coins

Not too shabby. But it wasn’t just bitcoin that impressed investors last year. According to CoinMarketCap, an aggregate index that tracks the largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. There were more than 100 double-digit percentage-gainers during the period. And by our count, more than half of those were relatively new to the crypto scene.

Coins like EOS (up 1,812%), Cardano (up 867%), Stellar Lumens (up 826%) and Tron (up 618%). These performance figures speak volumes. As to why we think 2022 will be even better for digital currencies as a whole. Let’s take a closer look at the top cryptocurrencies to invest in in 2022.

1) Cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies around today. Bitcoin is estimated to be used in more than half of all cryptocurrency transactions. Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin in 2009. Although no one knows who they are. The currency has since become a household name. But it’s also hit some major speed bumps along the way. In 2014, for example, MtGox – then one of the largest Bitcoin exchanges. Went offline after 850,000 Bitcoins were stolen from its accounts.

Bitcoin (BTC) - Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin (BTC)

The cryptocurrency also made headlines when it gained massive value during 2017 – before plunging again in 2018. Overall though. Bitcoin is still one of the most commonly used cryptocurrencies on the market today.

2)Cryptocurrencies – Ethereum(ETH)

Ethereum is a platform that uses blockchain technology to allow smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). It was created by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. It has since grown significantly in value. Ethereum has also launched its own digital currency called Ether. The platform has been adopted by many developers and corporations, including JP Morgan Chase and Microsoft. Ethereum is one of the top contenders for the number one spot. On our list of cryptocurrencies worth investing in 2022.

Ethereum(ETH) coin - Cryptocurrencies
Ethereum(ETH) coin

3) Cryptocurrencies – Binance(BNB)

Binance Coin has been created to bridge the crypto world and the traditional investment market. This helps provide support and liquidity to new tokens launched on the Binance exchange. Moreover, holders of BNB are entitled to receive a discount for any fees on the Binance platform. Ranging from 0-50%.

The coin has surged more than 3500% in value. Making it one of the best performing cryptocurrencies in 2022. It has also managed to top the list of cryptocurrencies by market cap.

 Binance(BNB) coin - Cryptocurrencies
Binance(BNB) coin

Binance currently holds a market cap of $80 billion. With people buying and selling around $2 million worth of it every day. It has already become an international sensation, and people are looking to invest in it. As they see it as a long-term investment opportunity just like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

4. Cryptocurrency- Tether(USTD)

Tether is a cryptocurrency with a fixed value of 1. It is pegged to the US dollar. It is usually used for trading other cryptocurrencies and converting one currency into another. Tether has been controversial because it doesn’t have a “real” way of proving each USD. Has been backed up by dollars held in reserve. However, Tether isn’t a scam. Their website says that they have 2 billion USDT in reserve. But an independent audit can’t verify this for legal reasons.

Tether(USTD) coin - Cryptocurrencies
Tether(USTD) coin

Tether might be a good addition to your portfolio. If you’re bullish on the cryptocurrency market and want some stability. The best thing about Tether is that its value is almost always equal to 1 dollar. You don’t have to worry about reading charts all day. Or trying to predict when the price will go down again. At this point, Tether seems more stable than most other cryptocurrencies. But there’s no guarantee that will always be true.

Jewish Wealth, Judaism, Banks, And Investment Strategies

American Rapper and business mogul Jay-z is quoted in his track THE STORY OF OJ   

You wanna know what`s important than throwin`away money in a strip club? Credit. Have you ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This is how they did it…

Judaism and Wealth

Judaism doesn’t cast poverty as a sign of righteousness. Jewish believe everybody should be gainfully employed to earn their living. They also believe in giving part of their income towards Religious and Charitable causes. Rich Jewish give away 10-20 % of their money for such causes.

Also Read : Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In For 2022

This might sound illogical, but Jewish (and Christian) tradition teaches that when you give your money away, more will return to you. A generous person that gives and never asks is regarded as successful and trusted. More business will go your way.

Jewish Invest
High Resolution Invest Concept

However, they don’t believe in relying on charity to lift themselves up and certainly not to become a burden to the community.

European Jews couldn’t own land

Jews in Europe couldn’t own land from as far as medieval times. They, therefore, found alternative ways of building wealth. Trade and merchandising were top on the list. This created a safety net for them as their services were frequently needed.

Jewish Opened the first Banks

It is believed that Jews invented the banking system owing to their history of lending money for interest. They could manage transactions, transfers, and day-to-day financial activities and continued charging interest putting to practice their strong background in finance.

Jewish are Most Educated

Jews receive 13.4 years of schooling on average. They also hold 61% of the qualifications of post-secondary education. The belief here is more credentials lead to a higher starting salary and this improves the Jewish financial status right after university.

Jewish look after each other

The Jewish have deep pride in sharing wealth to benefit their community. This ensures each member of their community is supported to enable them to succeed. If someone opens a business, the community rallies behind them to support it.

Jewish Sharing
Jewish Sharing Meal.

When one falls on hard times, the community helps them out. This ensures everyone survives the hardest times by investing in one another. Wealth is seen as a means to an end to growing a community.

Jewish Believe in the Dignity and Morality of Business

Jews are taught to conduct business honestly and with morality. When you have a product or service that people want or need, then you’re making the world a better place by bringing satisfaction to the customers.

Jewish Parents teach their children the value of money

Children are taught to segregate their money in different jars. I say a child has earned 10 Shillings:

1 Shilling goes to the Tithe jar.

2 Shillings to investing

1 Shilling to savings

5 Shilling to spending jar.

1 Shilling to offering

By using these jars, parents teach their children the value of money at a tender age, and the children, in turn, pass the knowledge to the next generations.

Jewish Networks

Jewish communal life is tied to the Sabbath, the Synagogue, and Jewish celebrations that bring many people together that may not all know each other. These are excellent opportunities to network and build relationships inside and outside the business. 

The message here is that it is important to meet as many people as you can and genuinely have an interest in them. Only by actively engaging with other people, can circumstances of wealth be created. You might have noticed that people tend to do business and favor others with whom they have a relationship. Keep in mind that the key element here is to be genuine. Taking shortcuts and faking your relationships will not take you anywhere in life.